Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you able to increase our collections more than other billing companies can?
If we switch to your billing service, will we have to change our ePCR software?
Read here the answer to these and other questions!
Why are you able to increase our collections more than other billing companies can?
We offer a unique combination of personal attention and expertise. We actively pursue revenue that other billing companies lose by working the more difficult claims. We do this by means of prior authorizations, eligibility verification, denial management, follow up, and prompt appeals on unpaid claims. We pay attention to every claim from start to finish… not just the easy ones! Yes, this is a lot of extra work, but that’s why we’re different, and why your collections will increase when you switch to MBS.
If we switch to your billing service, will we have to change our ePCR software?
Absolutely not! If you like what you’re currently using, keep using it! If you’re looking for something new, we’ll help you find a system that works for you! We will never require you to use a specific ePCR software or fit into a pre-defined mold. Every EMS service is different, so we work around your needs.
What services do you offer in addition to filing insurance claims?
We don’t just file claims, we help you manage every aspect of your EMS revenue cycle. We offer an array of value-added services, such as Patient Eligibility Verification, Prior Authorizations, Certified Coding, Documentation Review, Credentialing and Network Enrollments, ERA and EFT Enrollments, Accounts Receivables Management, Custom Reporting, Medicare Audit Assistance, and so much more. And the best part… we provide all these services at no additional charge to our clients!
I’m being audited by Medicare, what should I do?
Most of us don’t like to hear the word “audit”! But there is no need to fear a Medicare audit if you have the right team in place. MBS is here to help. We have years of experience helping our clients with Medicare audits and reviews, and we know what information Medicare is looking for when they ask for medical records. So, when those dreaded letters start showing up in your mailbox, relax and call MBS!
Will I know who is handling my account, and will I be able to reach someone who can answer my questions?
Personal attention is one of the key components of our service. We are small enough that you can always reach the owner of the company, but large enough to offer a professional staff that knows how to help when you have questions. You will not be transferred around to different teams or managers, and your calls will always be given top priority.
Are you certified to do ambulance billing?
Yes! Our ambulance coders are certified by NAAC (National Association of Ambulance Compliance). NAAC represents the industry’s “Gold Standard of Excellence” in compliance, ethics and integrity in all facets of ambulance compliance. With MBS, you can rest assured that your claims are in the hands of certified professionals!

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